This Puppy Was Brutalized and Thrown 30 Feet Into a Dried up Canal

YouTube: Hope For Paws

How Could Anyone be so Cruel to a Helpless and Powerless Little Dog

This is an amazing story of Jordan, a helpless puppy who had been physically abused and then thrown 30 feet into a dried out canal. Thankfully he had been spotted by eyewitnesses who reported what they’d seen to ‘Hope for Paws’ an animal rescue organization.

One of the rescuers had to clamber down a long ladder to get to him. The little puppy was sat motionless on an empty potato chips packet in a dry area of the canal bed. As he approached him, the puppy didn’t move, just stared hopelessly with his head bowed, you can hear his rescuer say to the others “It doesn’t look good”, then he gently strokes the wet puppy and takes a closer look.

The puppy doesn’t move, just sits on the empty packet and begins to cry out, it is in so much pain. It is only when he gently picks up the puppy that he is shocked by what he sees – the puppy had been horribly brutalized, someone had literally cut off his back foot.

Jordan was immediately taken the veterinary hospital to be treated, the staff had never seen anything like it before and gasped in shock when they were told what had happened. How could anyone so brutally abuse a helpless, innocent and powerless puppy?

This story will bring tears to your eyes. Tears of sadness at the beginning and then tears of joy when you see the remarkable and amazing recovery of this brave little dog.

Watch The Extended Version of This Video

Jordan had suffered terribly, not only from his horrific wound but also from mange, bacterial infections and malnutrition. After bandaging his wounds and bathing him he was given a blood transfusion, and by the 4th day he was finally strong enough to undergo surgery – although Jordan lost his leg, he never lost hope.